
Custom technologies

Payer Sciences fills a void by building digital solutions for the complex challenges of market access. These digital solutions are tailored to each client‘s needs and supported by our in-house market access experts. Our tools are designed to work independently or as part of a connected ecosystem, fostering collaboration between access marketing, account management, and sales to maximize access investments.

I rely on the Payer Sciences team for out-of-the box thinking. On numerous occasions, they have brought new ideas and products that helped us achieve our goals.
– B.L., Payer Sciences Client
PTO (Pull Through Optimizer)

Misperceptions of coverage limit a product‘s potential. PTO makes personalized access information easy to deliver for every prescriber engagement. With this user-friendly pull through application, sales representatives have easy access to messaging and tactics to build confidence in product coverage.

Contact us about PTO
Best tool I've ever seen in pharma.
– Area Business Leader
Opportunities are handed to you on a silver platter.
– Sales Representative

Account managers have limited time to effectively promote brand value and reduce pressure on rebates. AMP is a digital support tool that optimizes insight gathering and value communications for encounters. This provides account managers with a consistent framework to capture insights as well as assess customers.

AMP organizes and recommends the best presentation of information based on each customer's perception of brand value. Account managers can launch customized value presentations directly from AMP and track success of specific messages to further refine communications.

Contact us about AMP
AMP creates synergy between account planning, profiling, and communications to ensure every customer engagement is optimized.
Up to 50%
of RXs don't
get fulfilled.
Up to 70%
of RXs elude
patient hubs.

Good news—your product is being prescribed. Bad news—the rate of fulfillment is lower than the number of scripts. Worse news—many scripts are bypassing the patient hub. What is causing this difference? Brand teams collect data on coverage, approvals, and denials; however, these data often fail to explain when and why scripts get hung up at the point of care.

To determine why your brand is rejected by certain payers, why HCPs stop prescribing it, or why patients don't fill those prescriptions, you need to hear from the people at the fulfillment intersection: HCP office staff. PAR provides quantitative and qualitative information to help you understand obstacles and free the bottleneck for your revenue.

Contact us about PAR
PAR conducts real-time surveys of billing managers, office coordinators, and other specialists in your therapeutic area to find out:
Is your brand difficult to get approved and why?
Are patient support resources being used?
What does staff think of your services vs your competitors?
How does missing information slow the process?
Which payers have more difficult coverage processes?
With the insights delivered by PAR, you can improve prescription fulfillment and increase revenue by:
Targeting the most troublesome utilization management criteria at each payer
Enhancing communication with HCP offices
Improving patient support resources and hub
Training field staff to overcome obstacles
Adjusting resource allocation

Payer Sciences understands how important timely and measurable insights are to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market. AIM is a data-based dashboard that generates digestible presentations from complex access analytics. With customizable filters, data are organized and depicted through simplified visuals to elevate key messages. User-friendly reports of regularly updated information are easily downloaded from AIM for use in planning and communications.

Contact us about AIM
“Contracting has yielded positive ROI at these accounts, but not at these other accounts.”
“Double step edits are not suppressing demand for BRAND Z, but triple step edits or greater are highly suppressive.”
“These 10 territories are critical to pull through for PLAN X.”
“Your coverage of BRAND Z is consistent with 83% of plan lives in this region.”
“After placing BRAND Z in a preferred position, market share among the largest providers in PLAN Y has increased by X%.”
“Share of BRAND Z is widely variable among your affiliated prescribers, with only prescribing according to protocol.”

At Payer Sciences, value communications are constructed using a proprietary tool called VOLT (Value Options and Levers Tabulator). VOLT guides us through a rigorous process of categorizing all available evidence to evaluate a brand against its competitors through the lens of an access decision maker. The final step of VOLT is a team workshop that results in well-substantiated positioning and the foundation for value messages and tactics for access decision makers.

Contact us about VOLT

VOLT provides a systematic framework to ensure that strategy incorporates all relevant information about a brand and its competitors. Through an evidence-based, rigorous, and disciplined process, VOLT instills high confidence in the ultimate value proposition.

Volt Diagnostic Screenshot
Sample value blueprint depicting brand and competitor ratings across multiple value factors. Blue, orange, and gray indicate advantages, disadvantages, and parities, respectively.
n1 Connect

Until now, access marketing has largely operated in the limited bounds of in-person, and infrequent, contact. n1Connect is a digital nonpersonal promotion platform that increases message reach, frequency, and relevance to a greater number of influential access targets. When you employ n1Connect for your brand, you tap into the combined expertise of 3 Publicis Health best-in-class companies:

  • Market access expertise from Payer Sciences
  • Data-driven marketing from Epsilon
  • Digital design expertise from Publicis Sapient
Contact us about n1Connect
n1Connect: mapping contacts, engaging targets, learning what works
n1Connect empowers you to deliver messages that resonate with the right person, at the right place, at the right time.